Monday, March 9, 2009

I Lived In A Haunted House

My house was the coolest of all the houses in my neighborhood.Why you ask? Because my house was haunted. isn't that cool? Well, I think it is, but then again everyone says I am weird. But I still think it is a cool place to live, so maybe that does make me a little weird. Oh well I don't care what people think or say about me anyway.
This is what happens at night in my house. In my mom's room, at night when she is sleeping, her bed is slammed into the north wall of her room. This happens due to the fact that our Great-Aunt Margaret used to live there and my mom's room was her room in the past. She died there. My mom even told me that she would hear choking and gasps at night. Well the night our great Aunt died she got up to get her medication for her heart and fell back gasping and choking and died of a fatal heart attack.
Then in the living room was were another ghost was haunting. There was a old rocker in the corner and it would rock all by itself. The rocker had belong to my moms great grandfather. He loved that rocker so much he would always be rocking in that rocker. When he passed away my grandparents gave that rocker to my mom. She put it in the corner and after that the rocker at night would begin to rock on its own. she even tried to move it to other rooms but it still rocked all by itself.
Now in the basement, that was the scariest place of all. Why? Because the ghost that haunted the basement was not a family ghost, it was the ghost of the original home owner. He was not a nice man, he was a bad man. he hung himself in the basement to escape the wrath of the towns people. He was a child molester and was being chased by the towns folk who wanted to hang him for his crimes. Well he save them the trouble. He hung himself. The place where he had hung himself would always blow lights no matter how new they were.
Of course my bedroom was in the basement, I was always having things happen to me at night and even during the day time too. I would get my butt pinched, my hair pulled, pillows pulled out from under my head and blankets pulled off of me at night. Some times it felt like fingers were being run down my back. One time the ghost even reached out from under the steps and tripped me as I was coming down the steps. I landed on my butt and I was in so much pain that I had to stay home from school that day. Luckily it was a Friday and by Monday I was OK. This went on from age Ten till I was 18. After that the ghost seemed to take on a protective stance with me.
Now do you see why I think my house is the coolest? what do you think? I* bet you think it is the coolest too, don't you?

written July, 2003

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fear In Moonlight

A young woman walked a path in a forest lit by moonlight. The light was ethereal and silver. The moon was full and that was the sign of his coming for her. He was coming for her, this friend and lover of hers. He was coming for her tonight. She sighed for he had not shown up yet.
She looked at her surroundings and had reveled in the utter beauty of nature. natures song had lulled her heart. Natures beauty had lulled her mind. Then she heard a sound that was different than the sounds that surrounded her.
It was a sound that was familiar to her and her alone. She trembled with anticipation, the sound had belonged to Fear. Deep down in her soul she knew it was him even before she had turned around and saw him. She turned around and saw him and then she knew she was right. It was Fear.
Her heart had skipped a beat at the sight of him. He blood raced at the thought of him coming for her. She was enthralled, entranced, enchanted, no those were not the proper words. What was the right words that she was searching for? Love? Ah, yes Love. She was in love with Fear.
Her body went tingly with anticipation, as tonight was the night that they were to consummate their relationship. As she turned to look at him, she noticed a significant change in him. His skin had turned as pale as the moon. His arms and hands were like gnarled tree branches.
His fingers were like claws. His eyes, oh god his eyes were as red as the devil himself. His mouth, where there was perfect white teeth, white as snow, was now filled with jagged shards of glass. His eyes held a look of wicked desire. A desire that was never satisfied and never would be.
There was something else. Something was dripping off him. was it sweat? No, not sweat. It was too dark to be sweat. The stench hit her. Blood! Oh my God! Blood was dripping off of his, or should I say its extremities! Was the blood animal or God forbid human? Then for the sake of humanity and her own sanity she screamed in horror and disgust at what her love has turned into.
The stench that was emanating from him was overwhelming her, making her want to vomit. So she began to run. She ran from Fear. How ironic. He bellowed with rage as she begun to run, because never in the past had she ran from him or his embrace. She had run from Fear, she ran because of fear. Never had she dreamed that she would have to run from Fear, never had she dreamed that he would have turned into the monster that had stood before her.
He again bellowed with rage. He was angry that she had run from him. But, to try save her self she had to run. His putrid stench was still overwhelming her. It burned her eyes, lungs and nose. The stench was making her nauseous. It was making her want to vomit, but to vomit she would have to stop running, but if she were to stop running, she knew in her heart and soul, that Fear would be upon her and all would be lost.
If that were to happen, she knew that he would surely kill her. For never had she ran from him or his embrace until this day. But, now things are different, he had changed. He was no longer the Fear she once knew and loved. He was now a monstrous, killing, clawing, ravenous being and she was terrified of what he had become. So she continued to run from him, she ran from Fear. She ran for her life.
Her legs were on fire, her feet were blistered and bloody. Her muscles were screaming in agony. She was breathing in ragged gasps. Her lungs felt like they were about to burst. She was getting sicker by the second. But she knew she couldn’t stop running or she would die, therefore she continued to run. She ran for her life. She ran from Fear.
He still followed her, bellowing for her to stop running and to turn and come back to him. To become one with him as they had planned. But to become one with him now would have meant for her to become one with a monster, surely if she would have done that she knew she would lose her soul, so she continued to run. She ran from Fear, she ran for her life.
Finally she was tripped up by her own traitorous feet. She screamed in agony she fell to the ground. Her pain racked body was limp with exhaustion. She could barely turn over but when she did, she found herself staring up into the eyes of hell.
As Fear leaned over her, blood dripped off of him onto her skin, burning her flesh like the hell fires from Hell. As she looked into those death like eyes of his, she screamed, and called out, “Oh Dear God, Help me Please!!” Fear laughed and said, “Ha! It is too late for that. Your precious God has forsaken you.” She screamed in pain as she mustered up what strength she had left in her body and flailed out at him, and screaming out, said, “No! My God would never do that to me.” “Ah”, Fear said calmly, but with a tinge of victory in his voice, “he has. And you are my PRIZE!”
A victorious roar came rushing out of him as he plunged his claws into her sides. Soft flesh tore. The pain was white, hot and intense. Tears streamed from her eyes. She could feel her life’s blood running out of her body. Her soul began to separate from her earthly body. As she began to float above Fears head he tried desperately grab a hold of her soul. But soon she was out of his reach. All of the sudden her soul began to glow with a light so bright it had to be from heaven above. It was so bright, so white, and so pure. She knew it could only be the light of Gods pure love….his lover for her shinning down from heaven proving that he never forsake her as Fear had claimed seconds before.
The heavenly glow pierced Fear’s eyes of darkness and he screamed in agony from the pain it caused him. He fell to the ground as he covered his eyes and hid them from the blinding light. He raged at losing her soul. He beat the ground he laid upon, like a spoiled child that did not get what he wanted. He beat the ground so hard, his fury so great, that the ground, the whole earth shook from it.
As her soul began to dissipate, Fear stood up and dusted himself off. She was in shock to see what Fear had turned into this time. Where his clawed and gnarled hands and limbs were, hooves took their places. Horns now sprouted out of his head and he now sported a tail. She couldn’t what she saw, what she was looking at. No longer was Fear a monster or human he was a monstrosity, he was the devil himself. He looked around his surroundings. He took a deep breath and sighed a sigh of some one tired of trying. He has lost another soul to the good one and he was getting tired of it. For every soul he won he lost thousands. But as he looked to the horizon, he was consoled by one thought, “There were so many souls out there for the taking and infinite time to do it in.”

Wrote on October, 11, 2007

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Vampires Last Kiss

In the city full of darkness I wander alone. A lost soul, lost in thought, lost in grief and lost in a dangerous part of the city. My love has left me, for who or what I have no idea.
My soul has darkened with the shadows of my grief. My heart has shattered into a million jagged pieces. Then I heard it, a cry as full of grief, pain and sorrow as I am. I am pulled by the cry. The Sound tore at my heart. The sound pulled at my inner soul making me want to find it. It made me need to find it.
Then I heard the cry again and to my amazement the sound was right in front of me. I found that I was in the darkest part of an alley which was in the darkest part of the city. Something was in the alley with me, some thing dangerous, some thing prime evil, yet, lost and scared.
The Moon came out just then and I saw what I was being confronted with. I found my self in the company of an abomination, a being that to me was from the depths of hell itself. Yet I was not scared. I was not afraid of what I have found, of what I have seen for the first time. The thing was curled up into a fetal position. It was in the corner of the alley in which I was standing. it was clutching a dead rat in its long bony white fingers. The rat had two puncture wounds in its neck and blood was oozing from them.
As I got closer I saw what I was being truly confronted with. I was in the presence of a Vampire, yet again I found that I was not afraid. The Vampire shivered from the cold and the dampness of the weather. The cold air was whipping around the alley like an angry vortex, sending cold mist, like icy darts into both of our bodies.
I stepped closer for a better look. broken glass crunched under my feet. The Vampire had opened his eyes then and looked at me. It bared its fangs and said, " Leave this place or fore go the consequences." I shook my head and said, " I can not do that. you look like you need help." The Vampire, looked at me, his eyes flashed red, pierced me as if he was able to see right into the very pit of my soul, he said, "No. You can not help me. I am one of the Undead, there is no saving me. I am already dead yet still alive. Leave me Now!!"" He winced in pain as a spasm coursed through his body. I said, "Please. Please let me help you I think I know what can be done....You need help or blood, I can give you both." I moved closer to him and stretched my hand out towards him. He batted my hand away. "No!", He growled, "You do not understand, I want to die, I need to die."
A look of utter shock had flit across my face. He had seen the look that covered my face and he asked, "why do you look so shocked?" I looked at him and said, "I don not know," I then asked bluntly, after a Little pause, "I thought Vampires could not die?" The Vampire had laughed then and winced in pain again as another muscle spasm raged through out his body. "Why are you laughing at me?" I had asked him with a hurt expression on my face. He had noticed the look on my face and surprisingly he took my hand into his. His hand had felt lifeless and cold, like from the grave. He then had said, "I was not laughing at you, just at the irony of your question." Another spasm of pain had hit him and a look of concern had crossed my face again and I said, "Please, Please how can I help you?" He then looked deep into my eyes and I saw a dark shadow of finality and sadness within the darkness of his soul. His eyes had held mine for what seemed like an eternity and I could not turn away from his gaze. He Plaintively said, "you must kill me.". A look of complete shock had filled my eyes, along with tears. I did not want to do this, so I said, "I-I have never killed anyone before in my life. I don't even know how to go about killing a Vampire." I said these words, now with tears freely running down my cheeks, then I had said, "I do not want to do this, please do not make me kill you." He had Looked at me again, frustration formed in his eyes, and in his voice, he said, "you must," he then went on to explain, "I have never tasted human blood and I plan on never tasting it. I want to die. I am a monster now, I am not what I used to be. A few days ago I was a human like your self, now I am this hideous monstrosity. You see I truly want to, I need to die." With tears flowing from my eyes, all I could do was look at him. I was unable to say a word. Again he looked at me and his eyes were full of pain, he pleaded with me, "Please, you must do this for me." As I looked into his eyes, the words came spilling out of my mouth, and I said, "I shall do what you want. But you must tell me what to do. I do not know how to do what you want me to do." He had a look of relief, which flooded his face, when I said I would kill him.....I couldn't believe he would be relieved. He is a creature of the night, one that cant die, yet here he is asking me, a mortal to be the one that kills him. I asked him, "What do I use, how do it do it?" He said, "There are several ways to kill a Vampire, I can tell you two ways that would work for you now. The first is sunlight, it will burn me, turn me to ash. Also there is a stake through the heart. That is the method you must use." He then placed his hand over his heart, pinpointing the exact spot to put the stake through his body. Again I had qualms about what he was asking of me. I said, "We could wait for the daylight, for the sun to come up." To me daylight was the lesser of the two evils. He Shook his head no and said, "No. It is too dangerous for you to be out here for that long. You will have to use the stake, and it has to be made of wood." I looked around the alley way quickly, not seeing anything that I would be able to use as a stake to kill this creature, to be able to do what he desires of me. I turned towards hams again and as I stared at him, I said, "Where am I to find wood out here?" I made a sweeping arch with my arm encompassing the whole alley way. He nodded his head towards a corner of the alley. I went over there and I found a piece of wood that had a point on it and I picked it up with my hand. I then turned and looked at him where he lay and I found that he was staring intently at me. As I looked at him I found that there was no fear in his eyes. I was the one with the fear in my eyes along with tears. I slowly walked over to him, where he was laying, I knelt down next to him. I said, "I have one request, a favor of sorts to ask of you before I do what you want me to do." He looked at me strangely and then asked, "What is this request that you ask of me?" I laid the stake down beside me and took both of his hands in mine, then took a deep breath and said, "May I have one kiss from you before I kill you?" Now it was his turn to be shocked and have a look of unbelievement on his face and in his eyes. "Why? Why would you want that?", he asked bewildered. I looked at him and then I said, "All I want is one kiss." His eyes had pierced my soul again and again I could feel his agony. He then said, "one Kiss, only one." I leaned in and my soft warm lips brushed against his cold lifeless lips. I never knew lips could be so cold, it felt like I was kissing a block of ice. As I kissed him, the kiss deepened but after a few seconds he pushed me away. I looked at him and asked, "Why did you do that?" I had a hurt look on my face and he could see it. He winced in pain again. Again I could feel his pain. He said, " you got your kiss, now it is time to fulfill your end of the bargain." With tears flowing freely from my eyes, I grasped the wooden stake in my hands. I positioned it over his heart. I looked into his eyes, looked into mine, then he closed his eyes. With a strength I had never known, I plunged the stake deep into him. It went so deep that it connected with the cement of the alley way, making a sickening thud. His wail of final agony mingled with my own cry of despair, as I watched him turn to dust. For now I truly have lost my love forever. As I walk away from the darkest part of the city, I cry. I cry for my love, for the man he was, for the person he would have evolved into and for the Vampire he had become.